Space Colonization, Human Efforts to Create Habitats in Space

Space colonization is a human effort and planning to find a habitat or permanent residence in outer space. Beyond the Earth, we live on now.

Space Colonization, Human Efforts to Create Habitats in Space
Image by NASA on

Space colonization or human efforts to create habitats in outer space is not just a figment of imagination and a science fiction story. This effort has entered the planning stage, one of which is scientists from NASA who already have a plan for space colonization.

This colonization effort was, of course, not easy and required extra hard effort. To realize space colonization or human habitation in outer space, you have to make the new living environment as similar as possible to Earth, including microorganisms, animals, and plants.


Three Plans for Space Colonization Efforts

Space colonization efforts are not just a figment or science fiction story. Currently, some have entered the planning or design stage. The following are three plans or plans for space colonization from scientists.

1. Terraformation of Space Objects

Terraformation means shaping the Earth. This means changing the environment of a space object such as the Moon, satellites of other planets, or even other planets to be similar to Earth. The term terraformation was known in 1942 by Jack Williamson in the science fiction story Astounding Science Fiction.

Based on the experience and research of scientists on Earth, the environment of a planet or other celestial object can be changed. The planets and space objects that are currently the best candidates for terraformation, according to scientists, include Venus, Mars, Moon, Ceres, Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Titan.

2. Lunarville ESA, "Village" on the Lunar Surface

Lunarville is a project from the European Space Agency, which is a massive technological innovation on Earth. Lunarville is planned to permanently replace the International Space Station. The construction of Lunarville is planned to begin in 2024. In the initial stages, of course, the priority is to deliver materials and food.

The biggest obstacle is definitely the project cost. The ISS international space station orbiting the Earth costs more than 75 billion pounds sterling. Of course, this ambitious Lunarville project would cost much more.

3. Free Space Habitat, Permanent Space Station

Colonization turns out to be not just about moving from Earth to space objects or other planets. Scientists also have plans to create a free space habitat as a permanent residence for humans. This habitat is like a space station, but not only for research purposes, it is more permanent.

Indeed, it cannot move people in very large numbers. But it could at least slightly reduce the human population on Earth. Apart from that, free space habitats can also displace industries that tend to damage the Earth. Energy sources? There is no need to question it. In Earth's orbit alone, the energy sources from the Sun are very, very abundant.


There are still many other designs and plans from scientists regarding space colonization. Humans' efforts to find a new place to live other than Earth is, of course, for the survival of the human species in this very, very vast universe.